喂!一点生命 Feed A Little Life
岑韵扬 Yunyang Cen
王成婧 Chengjing Wang
刘小川 Lucy X.C. Liu
宋思齐 Rita Song
Winter kept us warm, covering earth in forgetful snow, feeding a little life with dried tubers.
—The Waste Land, T.S. Eliot
An artwork is a testimony. The artist’s description of descending and traversing a dark dreamscape gives visual and spatial dimensions to our usually dormant sub-conscience, which we often take to be too challenging to the established order in daily life. This exhibition sees this very subconsciousness as a little life under forgetful snow, worthy to fed with some dried tubers.
The four exhibited artists construct an immersive exhibition experience that magnifies the buried subconsciousness with their highly sensorial works. Lucy XC Liu’s works “The Other Side” and “House by the Lethe” transforms the exhibition space into a container of memories from our temporal world. Yunyang Cen’s artwork discusses the life of plants and people during the lockdown period due to the epidemic, Chengjing Wang’s oil painting “The Moon Puked on My Painting” navigates between the poles of abundance and emptiness. Rita Song’s work explores the tipping point between the authentic and delusional world by “marking” the subconscious track in this exhibition. Feed A Little Life provides rich and creative responses to the question “what is the power that nourishes life?”
岑韵扬 Yunyang Cen
王成婧 Chengjing Wang
It’s a very common theme that artists use their observation of the world as the theme of their works in artistic creation. However, such themes contain a perspective from the self, it usually contains self-recognition and self-exploration. What she wants is to use abstract language to show an abstract objective existence in nature that is not from the perspective of self. A pure concept without any emotions or sense. Now for her works, the concept of “connections” or “interweaving” is the main concept.
The Moon Puked on My Painting
布面油画 Oil on canvas
In this painting, the eye-catching yellow paint is pouring viscously on the canvas in a dynamic gesture of spraying downwards. There is no doubt that the yellow paint has an absolute dominant power permeating every corner and layer to that other colors and shapes. However, those laconic and concise lines that were immersed in the shadow of the moon light will forcibly rise to the surface to counterbalance the yellow in a contorted posture. This tugging struggle between viscous and brisk, bright and obscure forms a best counterweight.

Two Ways of Observing Bubbles
布面油画 Oil on canvas
Chinese ink dividing into five colors,which is also reflected in the circle pattern on the surface layer in this painting. Those transparent white circles disperse spontaneous like ripples. After each ripple is interwoven and overlapped, a layer of pattern as visional as the dream is finally drawn. This layer of white pattern is a metaphor for softness, fragility and unadulterated existence, which show a noncommittal attitude towards the rise of the bottom color.
刘小川 Lucy X.C. Liu
Lucy X.C. Liu is an artist and writer who wrestles with grief and historical residue by portraying hunger, uncanniness or individuality as challenges to the version of history often used to justify power.
丝绸刺绣 Embroidered fabrics
I embroidered “Death.” on 12 pieces of silk, and displayed the front side of the embroidery against the wall, so viewers can only see the reversed word and the fraying threads. As living beings we cannot fathom what is on the other side.
As a poet and artist, I am interested in defining and visualizing three-dimensional space with language. This simple gesture of inverting the line “Death.” divides the temporal space we live in from the unfathomable.
影像与综合媒介 Photography and mixed media
“We will forget the deceased” is still valid when stated backwards: The deceased will also forget us. The Lethe is one of the five rivers of the Greek underworld, the shades of the dead were made to drink from it to forget about their mortal lives. “House by the Lethe” is a concept that I invented which poetically describes the precarious state of existence when conscience is buried underground but still palpitant.
This imagined “house” is defined by large fabric prints on three sides. Clothes hangers laden with pungently fragrant dried roses are hooked to the ceiling with a rubber belt, dried branches intertwine with bronze chains, on the floor is still wet glue and a fresh bouquet…By the Lethe, memory gradually learns to forget, freeing themselves of their earthly origins.
宋思齐 Rita Song
视频装置 video installation