驻地艺术家Laura Ortego个展
ACENTRICSPACE Upcoming Exhibition
Resident Artist Laura Ortego solo Exhibition
Opening: May 18th (Saturday) 16:00, 2024

前言 Introduction
“Juego de Living”(客厅布景或生活的游戏,或游戏的生活)中的拍摄对象是由来自世界不同地方的女性选择的,并提出成为其他事物的一部分:许多主观性通过单一的主观性和相机。
A little box rests on a rocky ground. It looks like a cliff. Is that the sea in the background? Or is it just more rock? Is it a cliff? Is it a little box? And what about these armchairs and a sofa next to a coffee table in a desert landscape? Are they miniatures, are they life-size, is it a desert or is there a watercourse in the distance? What is far and what is near in this photograph? And even in those cases when we think we know – doesn’t the question remain? What is far? The past where these objects come from? Or the future, which seized them for this photo in a tentative translation? And what is near? This present, perhaps, in which, standing in the room, we have a silent conversation with each of the pieces?
The photographed objects in “Juego de living” (living room set or the game of living, or living as in a game) were chosen by women from different places of the world and offered to be part of something else: many subjectivities tied together by a single subjectivity and a camera.
Even when we don’t exactly understand what object is it that we are looking at, we do understand how much they involve, they compress. It’s a bit as if, in the photo, the object were beating, and boiling. After watching it for a while, a whole electrical activity seems to build up around it.
Is it a little box? A measuring tape? A cellphone with a chipped screen? Our fingers can perceive the touch, our palms can feel the weight. The photo makes it clear: that the object has been touched, smelled, and moved. It’s an identity. It was given a wipe down, changed from one shelf to another, it was put in a drawer, and taken out again. It went from one home to another. It has a pungent but also discreet scent reminiscent of another time, another place or someone loved. Just like our treasures, it claim its place in space.