边 EDGE /// 上 OVER /// 看 LOOKING
边 EDGE /// 上 OVER /// 看 LOOKING
Date: July 7th (Sunday) 16:00, 2024

前言 Introduction
边 EDGE /// 上 OVER /// 看 LOOKING 是来自马耳他的艺术组合PONKS的驻地艺术项目。它颂扬不确定性中的确定性,审视地点和情感的边缘,审视过去和未来。
通过海报、视频、诗歌和装置,PONKS探索了过渡和矛盾的必然条件:就像朱家角的三条河流穿过并呈现倒影、变形、运动和颠倒的生活一样。边 EDGE /// 上 OVER /// 看 LOOKING 是“审视边缘”这个短语的反转,即窥视某种事物的极限,无论是有形的、文化的还是假定的,以打开模糊的浮动可能性。这是一个有趣的空间,可以融入“dao”的双重概念:当倒过来中的倒时,就像在反射面中一样,到达的到是一种正确的方式。
边 EDGE /// 上 OVER /// 看 LOOKING is an art project by Malta-based art collective PONKS. It celebrates the certainty of the uncertain, looking over and between edges of places and emotions between what was and what can come next.
Through posters, video, poetry, and installation, PONKS explores inevitable conditions of transition and contradiction: just as the 3 rivers of Zhujiajiao carve through and present life in reflections, morphing, in motion, and upside down. 边 EDGE /// 上 OVER /// 看 LOOKING is a reversal of the phrase, “looking over the edge”, the act of peering over the limits of something, whether tangible, cultural or assumed to open up to the floating possibility of the ambiguous. It is a playful space to tune into the dual idea of the “dao”: when the upside-down (dao 倒), just as in reflectional surfaces, arrives (dao 到) as a right way up.
Instagram @ponks_collective
PONKS 是一个由马耳他和法国艺术家组成的艺术团体。它致力于将诗歌、视觉艺术、表演、视频和声音融合在一起。该团体旨在利用公共空间激发批判性话语和自我建构实践,同时使用颠覆现实感的概念驱动举措。
PONKS is an art collective composed of Maltese and French artists. It works at a morphing intersection of poetry, visual arts, performance, video, and sound. The collective aims to engage in public spaces to inspire critical discourse and self-constructive practices, while using conceptually-driven initiatives that subvert a sense of reality.
Those living within the zone between rest and ritual
纸上胶印 Offset Print on Paper
Maybe their hands are reaching for the backs of warm necks, a caressing act
纸上胶印 Offset Print on Paper
Underneath jumping eyes that glare holes into the skies
纸上胶印 Offset Print on Paper
The day sleepers dream of those in the night
纸上胶印 Offset Print on Paper