
ACENTRICSPACE Art Residency encourages both young artists to continue their practice upon graduation and practicing artists to be inspired. ACENTRICSPACE Art Residency aims to provide an ideal creative and living environment for all artists. It opens to all contemporary artists throughout the year, during the residency, artists are encouraged to create a new body of work and engage in conversation with artists from China and around the world. Since the launch of the residency project in October 2017, over 130 artists have participated in the ACENTRICSPACE residency program.


ACENTRICSPACE The building itself covers an area of 550 square meters, a total of 4 floors. The ground floor contains 6 private studios within shared studio space (a total of 220 square meters) and 3 storage rooms. The 1st floor is filled with 2 exhibition spaces, 1 cafe, and kitchen, 1 laundry room, and 2 courtyards. The 2nd floor contains 7 private rooms for resident artists. The 3rd floor contains an ACENTRICSPACE office and 1 rooftop terrace. Gallery, accommodation, and studio are all in the same building, for a more convenient living and working environment, ideal for an art residency.


ACENTRICSPACE will provide a semi-sharing studio, each resident artist has their own working space. There is a wide variety of tools/equipment available for resident artists. Such as easels, tripod, lighting gear, projector, monitor, speakers, electric kiln and etc. 


ACENTRICSPACE provides private bedrooms for selected artists with a queen-size or super single-size bed with an air conditioner (warm and cold), a desk and a chair, and an open closet. Artists are free to use the cafe/kitchen, laundry room(washing machine and dryer), rooftop garden with outdoor swings, and other common spaces.

ACENTRICSPACE会在每月驻地项目结束时,为驻地艺术家策划和举办驻地作品展览。 驻地作品展览是驻地艺术家展示其驻地期间作品和体验的平台。驻地艺术家将根据我们的展览计划表在ACENTRICSPACE画廊空间展出期的驻地创作作品(通常驻地作品展览在每月最后一周的周末开幕)。

ACENTRICSPACE will curate exhibitions for resident artists at the end of each residency program. Exhibitions are a chance for resident artists to summarize their projects and experience during the residency. Resident artists will exhibit their works at the ACENTRICSPACE Gallery Space according to our exhibition schedule (Usually the exhibition takes place on the last weekend of the month).


Artists who stay for 1 or 2 months, will participate in the group exhibition, for the artist who stays for 3 months, there will be a solo exhibition.
*Participation in the exhibition is not compulsory.

ACENTRICSPACE坐落在有着1700多年历史的江南水乡古镇 - 朱家角。从朱家角到市区乘坐地铁大约40分钟,从ACENTRICSPACE走路到朱家角地铁站大约15分钟。朱家角也是上海最大的艺术家社区之一,常驻本土艺术家众多。在同社区里也有便利店、超市、快餐、饭店、酒吧、茶楼、电影院。

ACENTRICSPACE located in ancient water town - Zhujiajiao, was established about 1,700 years ago. From Zhujiajiao to the downtown is about 40 minutes by metro, walk from ACENTRICSPACE to Zhujiajiao metro station is about 15 mins. Zhujiajiao is one of the largest artists communities in Shanghai, many local artists live and work here. Convenience stores, supermarket, fast food, restaurants, bars, tea houses, and cinemas are all within the same compound. 

  • 一个月驻地
  • 二个月驻地
  • 三个月驻地


  • 1 Month Stay
  • 2 Months Stay
  • 3 Months Stay

*Each program is between the 1st and 31st of the month.

  • 申请艺术家能够独立自主地进行艺术创作和生活。
  • 申请艺术家能够在驻留期间创作和展示新的作品,以及协助完成布展和撤展。
  • 申请艺术家须自己申请来华签证(中国大陆艺术家除外),并与ACENTRICSPACE确定相关签证信息。
  • 申请艺术家必须阅读和同意驻地条款与条件
  • The artist must be independent, and capable of working and living on their own.
  • The artist is required to deal with the production, installation, and de-installation by themselves.
  • The artist has to apply for their visa personally, and the visa should conform with the residency.
  • The artist must read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  • ACENTRICSPACE艺术家驻地为可持续发展的艺术家驻地,驻地费用是为了平衡艺术家驻地项目的基本运营成本。
  • 驻地费用为每位艺术家每月6600元,包括工作室,住宿和展览。
  • ACENTRICSPACE目前没有相关费用支持,所以我们鼓励艺术家申请自己本国的艺术基金会或赞助项目。ACENTRICSPACE会提供相关的支持文件。
  • 驻地艺术家须自行支付交通,餐饮,材料等个人支出。
  • 驻地结束后,所有驻地作品归驻地艺术家所有,ACENTRICSPACE不向驻地艺术家要取驻地作品。
  • he residency is run as a sustainable program, the residency fee meets the minimal cost of running the residency.
  • The residency fee is 7700CNY per artist per month, including studio, accommodation, and exhibition.
  • ACENTRICSPACE does not carry any funding support yet, so we encourage artists to manage the scholarship application, grants, or financial support in their home countries during the application period. ACENTRICSPACE will provide the necessary documentation to the selected applicant so requires.
  • Resident artists are responsible for transportation, food, art materials, and other living expenses.
  • At the end of each residency program, all residency works belong to the residency artists, and ACENTRICSPACE does not ask the residency artists to donate their residency works.


*Please use this application form or email us the following information to