孔琳 Kelly Kong

99年出生,单眉猫和⻦龟的主人。从数字炼金术到达达享乐主义,她的工作是跨学科性的。从现实 中消退,你现在一个甜美的颠茄中午里发现她正在紫红色茄属植物下晒太阳。
Born in 99, her work is interdisciplinary, from digital alchemy to Dada hedonism. Master of unibrow cats and bird turtles. Subsiding in escapism, you can now find her basking under fuchsia nightshade, a sweet belladonna noontide.
从出⽣到现在 From Birth to Present
视听装置 Audio-Visual Installation

未命名 Untitled

一个空白的空间诞生了,寄生虫便开始群集。冬日寒冷,然而必须屈降方能找到我们的河流。乌木 似的喑哑之声溶化时间,一种恶魔般的和谐在空中摆荡,如同赞美的诗篇,而我们只在前进,然后 前进……太阳之下,暗红滴落,那原始的形态却向穹顶张口呵欠。荆棘的刺口沁渗出一课永恒的教 训。⻝泥饮雨吧,只有愚人才以为自己清醒未睡。
An empty space is born, parasites begin to find their swarm. Winter is cold, but we must surrender to find our river. A croak of ebony melts time, a diabolic harmony swings like a psalm as we keep marching, and marching. Under the sun, crimson red drips, a primal state yawns to its zenith. The thrust from a thorn seeps an eternal lesson. Eat the mud and drink the rain, only fools will imagine they’re awake.