王茗一 Mingyi Wang
UИTITLEDSPΛCE️ Artist in Residence
2021 September Resident Artists
Mingyi Wang
关于艺术家 About the Artist
Mingyi Wang is a PhD candidate in Fine Art at the University of Brighton, she graduated from Glasgow School of Art as a postgraduate and now lives and works in London. Her works are based on drawings, installations and practical projects, exploring approaches to visualising unconscious space through creative practice. She focuses on the application of phenomenology, psychoanalysis and non-representational theory in practice, exploring the unconscious communication between body and space in day-to-day living.
Her work emphasises process and participation, and de-everydayness familiar scenes. Everydayness is nothing more than the collective repetition of an experience that takes something for granted, an ordered collectivity that is factual rather than real. De-everydayness can be used as a practical method to reconsider the relationship between body and space. The boundaries of space are no longer physical boundaries but perceptual, motor, conscious and unconscious boundaries.
过往作品 Previous Works

艺术实践项目 Art Practice Project
《I-916》 是一项基于酒店房间的艺术实践项目,参与者被邀请在酒店房间内入住一晚并使用马克笔在床单、被套、枕套和沙发套上勾勒身体的轮廓,写下任何他们想说的话。《I-916》提出 “身体-地方 ”的概念,不再将酒店房间看作身体的容器,而是将身体与地方看作不可分割的整体。在入住与退房之间,客人失去了自己的名字,成为916房间本身。通过在不同时间段占据这个房间并留下他们身体活动的痕迹,作品最终以交缠的身体线条和备忘录式的文字呈现了自发性和叙事性的空间。
“I-916” is a practice-based art project based on hotel rooms, where participants are invited to stay in the room for one night and use markers to outline their bodies on sheets, covers, pillowcases and sofa covers, writing down whatever they want to say. “I-916” proposed the concept of “body-place,” moving away from seeing the hotel room as a container for the body and instead seeing the body and place as an inseparable whole.
Between check-in and check-out, the guest loses his or her name and becomes room 916 itself. By occupying this room at different times and leaving traces of their bodily movements, the work ultimately presents spontaneous and narrative spaces with intertwined lines of bodies and memo-like texts.

“The Meaning of Sequences” brings the street game to the exhibition space, inviting visitors to write from the number 1 to 600 without modification. While writing, the visitors will hear the chanting of Amitabha Buddha in a continuous loop from four audio players on the table. What is the significance of writing sequences repeatedly? Are the looping chants a “blessing” or a “distraction”?
I think I made several turns, I don’t remember

木板综合材料 mixed media on MDF
怒发冲冠 Bristle with anger
A pool of me and a pile of you
木板综合材料 mixed media on MDF
木板综合材料 mixed media on MDF
木板综合材料 mixed media on MDF
今天也没找到 Nothing was found today
木板综合材料 mixed media on MDF